ALIM Web Help

Project Registration to ProjectWise

The ProjectWise Level 2 connector process involves the use of the AssetWise ALIM project object. This project object represents a project within ProjectWise.

Project registration occurs within ALIM Web. If a project has not been registered to a ProjectWise project, then the action is enabled.

  1. In the project that you want to register with ProjectWise.
  2. From the Object menu, select Register Project with ProjectWise. The following occurs:
    • A temporary message appears, stating that your request to register the project has been submitted, and to later verify the project for results.
    • When the job has completed, a project with the same name appears in the destination folder with all template security settings applied to this newly created project folder.
    • The default template and synchronization options from the template folder structure in AssetWise Director are copied to the newly created project template folder structure.
    Note: If a project folder in ProjectWise has exactly the same name as the AssetWise ALIM project code, the system will map the two projects together. Otherwise, the project template system will be used.